philosophy n.哲学;人生观
[变]philosopher n.哲学家
sophisticated a.尖端的;老练的;世故的
[例]Numerous sophisticated tools and technology have been constantly enhancing our livingstandard and broadening our vision.无数尖端的工具和科技一直以来都在提高我们的生活品质和拓宽我们的视野。
cunning a.狡猾的;巧妙的
[例]The CEO acclaimed the director of the marketing department for his cunning tackling ofthe crisis.总裁赞扬了市场部总监,因为他巧妙地处理了这个危机。
genius n.天才;天赋
generate vt.繁殖;使产生;创造;发电
[变]generation n.一代人;产生 generator n.发电机
[搭]coming generations后代 generation gap代沟(gap空白;间隙;裂痕。记:这公路上有很多裂痕,该铺[ga-p]一下了,填补空白。)
[例]The flourishing development of the E-commerce has generated numerous jobopportunities m the areas such as logistics and programming.电子商务的迅速发展为物流、编程等行业创造了无数的就业机会。
gentle a.温和的;有礼貌的
[变]gentleman n.绅士 gently ad.温柔地;轻轻地;有礼貌地
[例]He spoke gently to her:“I love you.”他温柔地对她说:“我爱你。”
generous a.大量的;大方的;心胸宽广的
[例]The not only high salary but also generous pension of that company add to its attractionto the elites.那个公司不仅薪水丰厚,而且退休金也很不错,这增加了它对于精英的吸引力。
genuine a.真正的;真诚的
[例] Although the LV bags are famous for their quality,most of them are not made of genuineleather.虽然LV的包都是以质量闻名的,但是大部分的LV包并不是真皮做的。(并不是说它不好~Lv是思思的最爱~合成材料更环保啊~)
general n.将军 a.总体的;大众的;一般的
[变] generally ad.整体上地;总的来说:一般情况下
[真]The two terms generally mean the sama thing:a
one-or two-page document describing one's educational qualifications and professionalexperience,这两个术语(resume和CV) 一般情况下指的是同一种东西:一份一两页的描述求职者教育资历和专业经验的文件。